Foreign Artist Tours
Arts Across Canada

Apply on the portal
Create an account and submit one or more profile(s) for validation at least 30 days before you want to apply
The Foreign Artist Tours component of Arts Across Canada supports Canadian not-for-profit arts organizations to circulate exhibitions or tour artists from around the world and provide new experiences to the Canadian public.
Activities - what is eligible
Support for projects involving:
- the circulation or touring of work by international artists, groups or organizations with at least 2 consecutive performances, presentations or exhibitions to 2 different cities, towns, rural communities or reserves in Canada
You can’t apply for activities that occur before your project start date, those that receive funding from another Canada Council program or those on the general list of ineligible activities.
Who can apply
Types of potential applicants to this component include:
- artistic organizations
- festivals, presenters and touring networks
Your eligibility to apply to this component is determined by the validated profile created in the portal.
Organizations presently receiving core (operating) grants can apply to this component.
Deadline and Grant Amount
Up to
$75 000