1. Funding
  2. Grants
  3. Engage and Sustain
  4. Artistic Catalysts

Artistic Catalysts

Engage and Sustain

The deadline is April 2, 2025 for core grant funding in fiscal years starting in 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029. All organizations currently receiving a grant under this component that wish to continue their core funding for the next cycle must submit an application by the deadline—renewal is not automatic.

The Artistic Catalysts component of Engage and Sustain funds Canadian arts organizations that play a pivotal role in nurturing artistic practices and respond to the evolution of creative communities across Canada. Grants support the activities of organizations that facilitate interactions among artists and connections with the public.

Most core grant applications must be translated into French or English. Please see guidelines for details and the translation deadline date.

Activities - what you can apply for

You can apply for a grant to:

  • develop and promote artistic programming
  • build public outreach
  • support artistic practice, other art forms and the Canadian arts sector

You can’t apply for activities that receive funding from another Canada Council program or those on the general list of ineligible activities.

Who can apply

Types of potential applicants to this component:

  • artistic organizations

Your eligibility to apply to this component is determined by the validated profile created in the portal.

To be eligible, your organization must play a role in advancing artistic practice and the cultural development of your local or regional community. You must offer at least 1 public presentation, exhibition, production or program in your region annually, and meet the following basic administrative, programming and financial criteria:

  • presently receive core support from this component.


  • have received 1 composite grant or 2 Canada Council project grants in the last 5 years. This excludes grants from the following components: Travel, Representation and Promotion, Translation, Small-Scale Activities, Literary Publishing Projects, Creation Accelerator, Frankfurt initiatives, Digital Originals, Digital Now, Digital Generator, the COVID-19 Emergency Support Fund, Grow Stage 1 and the Canada-Korea Connections Fund.
  • be an incorporated not-for-profit arts organization
  • work with a professional staff
  • have at least 5 years of continuous professional programming that is accessible to the public. In light of the global pandemic, the completed years of activity do not need to be consecutive.
  • have had total revenues exceeding $75 000 in each of the last 3 years (some exceptions may be considered)

About core grants for organizations

Core grants are available through several Canada Council programs like this one.

Learn more about application and assessment

Visit Core Grants: Multi-Year Funding for Organizations for information.

If your organization is receiving a core grant

Get details about your core grant and a summary of reporting requirements for Organizations Receiving a Core Grant.

Two hands holding and caring a young green plant.