Concept to Realization
Explore and Create

Apply on the portal
Create an account and submit one or more profile(s) for validation at least 30 days before you want to apply
Changes are being made to this component so that it can provide more flexible and comprehensive support. The changes will go into effect when the updated portal launches later in 2025. Find out more on the Updated Funding Opportunities and Portal Web page.
The Concept to Realization component of Explore and Create supports the full creative cycle – from the initial idea through to presentation, at any stage of the creative continuum. Canadian artists, artistic groups and arts organizations can apply to create projects intended for presentation. Grants provide support for artistic research, creation, project development, remounts, production, post-production and presentation.
This component awards:
- project grants for single activities
- composite grants that encompass several activities during the same time period.
You may be eligible for Application Assistance to pay someone to help you with the application process if you are experiencing difficulty and self-identify as:
- an artist who is Deaf, hard of hearing, has a disability or is living with a mental illness
- a First Nations, Inuit or Métis artist facing language, geographic and/or cultural barriers.
Activities - what you can apply for
Support for creative research, project development, creation and production that result in:
- a public presentation
- a confirmed exhibition
- a media arts or digital arts production ready for dissemination
- (an) artist book(s) for visual arts publishers or visual artists
- literary writing projects are not eligible
- self-publishing and author-subsidized publishing of literary works are not eligible
Projects for creative research and project development that do not involve production, post-production, or exhibition of a final work must apply to Research and Creation.
You can’t apply for activities that occur before your project start date, those that receive funding from another Canada Council program or those on the general list of ineligible activities.
Who can apply
Types of potential applicants to this component include:
- artists
- artistic groups and collectives
- artistic organizations
- visual arts publishers
Your eligibility to apply to this component is determined by the validated profile created in the portal.
To be eligible for a composite grant, you must have received at least 2 Canada Council project grants in the last 5 years.
Applicants with a New/Early Career Artist profile are not eligible to apply for composite grants.
Organizations presently receiving core (operating) grants cannot apply to this component.
Deadline and Grant Amount
Project requests
$60 000, exceptionally up to $100 000
Composite requests
$60 000 per year, exceptionally up to $100 000 (to a maximum of $300 000 over 3 years)