Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Awards

Current winners
Current Winners
Amanda Strong, Yara El-Ghadban, Kevin Lau, Marcus Youssef, Bruno Bouchard, Vladimir "7Starr" Laurore and Kevin Schmidt have all been recognized for outstanding achievement in their respective disciplines.
*Prize currently suspended*
This prize is currently suspended. The Council is reviewing and reprioritizing the suite of prizes intended to recognize and celebrate the contributions of artists and arts organizations. More information will be shared when available.
What is this prize?
The Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Awards are given for outstanding artistic achievement by Canadian artists in seven disciplines: Dance, Inter-Arts, Media Arts, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Writing and Publishing.
Prize amount
Seven prizes of $15,000 each
How to qualify
This prize is currently under review.
Who created this prize?
The Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunton Fund was established thanks to a generous bequest from Mr. Lynch-Staunton to the Canada Council in 1967.
Additional information
Competition suspended
The Canada Council is committed to equity in all its activities, including the administration of prizes and awards.
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